Saturday, March 27, 2010

Other Issues with Piercing Guns.

Piercing guns that are typically used in little accessory stores or even Walmart are hated for much more than their painful, imprecise methods of body modification.

Piercing guns are also absurdly dirty! Every time they are used they produce a very, tiny, fine micro spray of blood and body fluids as they pierce the skin. This spray gets on the gun, so that even though the actual part that is put in with the ring is clean and sterile-- the gun that makes it work is covered in TONS of people's body fluids!! and the so-called "piercer" has been touching the gun as she puts the sterile piercing pieces in place, contaminating them anyway, most likely.

This whole ordeal leads to tons of possibilities for piercing infections. This stuff can get REALLY gross if it gets infected. Huge balls of puss inside someone's earlobe is nothing something anybody wants to experience or deal with, I can tell you that much!
It's SO much safer to use a real body piercing studio with sterile hollow needles. Trust me. It's WORTH IT!

If you go to get your ears pierced, and some lady pulls out something that looks like this, RUN. This is a piercing gun. Very unclean, full of bacteria.

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